Discover Tesseract

Your manufacturing lines are out of date...

Modular microfactory system that automates 80% of the most repetitive tasks in your product lines.

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Tesseract modules are flexible, scalable, cost effective and energy efficient.


Fast automation integration ecosystem with quick-to-deploy, adhoc automation.

Ready to go

New lines take 50% less time to deploy. Each line can be repurposed with changeover times taking minutes, not hours or days.


Why Modular?

Contact us to learn how Mimica, launched a future-proof pilot line, scalable to millions of units per year, using a modular Microfactory, at 50% the cost of a traditional manufacturing line and half the time.

CAPEX Investment
Time to deploy
Carbon Footprint.

Modular microfactories, future-proof your manufacturing lines.

  • Grow at your own pace, adding more modules as your business grows. 
  • Reduce by up to 50% your CAPEX investment and break-even volumes.
  • Reduce your manufacturing footprint by up to 40%
  • Deploy your production lines closer to your key markets.

4 signs that your product line is ready for a Microfactory

Your product line keeps having constant downtime, as a result, you are investing a lot of time and resources firefighting.

Your customers are demanding multiple variations of your products, but your existing manufacturing lines don't provide you enough flexibility.

Shipping your products from your contract manufacturer onto your key markets has become too expensive.

Your demand is growing fast, you are hitting maximum capacity on your existing manufacturing line, but a new line altogether is a CAPEX investment too large to afford at the moment.

Industry 5.0/Microfactories

From our Blog

12 reasons why Microfactories are the future of manufacturing


See a Tesseract assembly line

Highly optimised, standardised modular assembly system for any product line.

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Want to see more details about Tesseract?

What processes can be automated with Tesseract? How big are the modules? how many modules will my assembly line need?

Get answers to these questions in the FAQ

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Let us show you how to future-proof your manufacturing lines.

Our 4 steps method will help you understand if your product lines are ready for a modular microfactory